My Favorite Newborn Essentials

Baby girl wearing the Ollie Velcro swaddle for newborn

Everyone loves to talk about“what to pack in your hospital bag” but I found that there are few things you can forget to pack along because the hospital supplies so many helpful items.  I found that once we got home, it was a constant run of trial and error to see what products worked for our baby.  I would be googling and reading baby product reviews all hours of the night while I was up with my daughter Ana.  Every baby is different, my suggestions might not work the best for your baby, but I hope this is helpful! This list does not cover everything but it has all the products I found most helpful as a first-time mom.

For baby:

A good quality swaddle blanket 

While you are in the hospital, the nurses will help you achieve the perfect swaddle in your baby’s cute little hospital blanket, but once you are at home everything changes! Who has time and energy for muslin swaddling at 2am? Not this mama! We loved the Ollie Swaddle! I was gifted an Ollie by my aunt and then later on I reached out to the Ollie brand to do a collaboration. It was helpful to have two because one would always be in the laundry (hello baby spit up all day)!  I loved the feel of Ollie’s soft, high-quality fabric and ease of use! One of my favorite things about my daughter during her newborn state was the way she stretched her arms and legs after a nap when I un-velcroed her from the Ollie swaddle! 


This probably isn’t the first time you are reading this, but zip up newborn pajamas are the BEST! No one has the time or patience for buttons during 3am diaper changes! We received so many cute baby outfits for gifts but really only put our daughter in zip-up pajamas for those first few months! Be aware that sizing is inconsistent between baby brands! You can’t go wrong with Burts Bees Organic Cotton baby pajamas or HonestBaby.


Diapers…SO MANY diapers!

It’s crazy how quickly you go through diapers during those first few weeks! And the tricky part is that you won't know which diaper brand your baby prefers until you spend some time with them! Try to have a variety of different diapers and wipe brands on hand to try out and see what you and your baby like. We started out with Honest Company diapers for those first newborn days and then switched over to Hello Bello for the convenience factor (and cuteness factor, let’s be honest).  Hello Bello is a subscription-based diaper brand that ships your box right to your doorstep.  I love that the diapers are hypoallergenic and made without locations, fragrances, phthalates, or latex.  I also love that Hello Bello donates thousands of diapers each year to families in need! Here is a link for $15 off your first box of Hello Bello Diapers.

a newborn stroller that fits your lifestyle

Do you want to stroll around town with a stylish and trendy stroller like the UPPAbaby or are you eager to get active and adventurous with your baby? It’s so important to consider your family’s lifestyle before making this big purchase. There are so many great options for strollers these days! As an active family, we went with a Bob Jogger Stroller with a newborn insert that fit our car seat. This allowed us to pop our car seat right into the stroller and hit the trails! One thing I love about the UPPAbaby is stroller is the cute bassinet!

My favorite strollers for an active family lifestyle: The BOB Gear Alterrain Pro Jogging Stroller and the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Jogging Stroller


My favorite cute and trendy strollers for neighborhood walks and city strolls the Mompush Ultimate2 (the most budget-friendly option), the Bugaboo Fox 3, and the UPPAbaby VISTA.

Newborn baby in lounger with dog | Portland Newborn Photographer

A baby lounger

This item was originally on our “maybe buy” but not our essential list.  Once we had one I don’t know how we would have gone without it! Newborn babies sleep A LOT during the day.  With a lounger, we could set baby girl down right next to us in any room of the house which allowed us to do more with our time while she slept.  And ohhhhh she looked so cute in it!  Maki our Labradoodle would cuddle up right next to her while she slept in it! Ours is from Papillon Bebe but there are several other great brands that make them like DockATot and Snuggle Me Organic.

a baby tracking phone app

There are so many free apps to track your baby’s sleep and feeding schedule! I found that using was very helpful because I couldn’t remember specific times in my sleep-deprived fog!

baby mittens

Our daughter was always scratching her face! Bundle up your baby’s hands in these cute mittens to protect their baby soft skin:

A reliable baby carrier! 

We went with the Ergobaby Omni 360 All-Position Baby Carrier with the newborn insert so we could use it as she grows and not just at the newborn stage. Ana was born in the summertime so I didn’t get to do as much babywearing as I had hoped or she would overheat. We ended up doing more stroller walks. 

Baby wearing in Portland Oregon | Portland Newborn Photographer

For mama:

easy to grab snacks and water bottles

Stash easy to grab snacks and water bottles all over your house! You will be hungry and thirsty at the most random hours while up with baby. Your body needs energy and hydration to heal from birth and keep up with the demands of newborn life! I love fruit and nut bars so I stocked up on Larabars and Kind Bars. I also love buying healthy snacks in bulk from Thrive Market.

an insulated coffee thermos!

Oh mom life, you get busy and end up reheating your coffee 5 times before you get to sit down and enjoy it! And if you are clumsy like me, you may spill your coffee while carrying your baby around! I can’t even count how many times I’ve spilled coffee on the couch, table, new carpets…I spill it everywhere I go! Once my baby became active, she spilled my coffee everywhere! My husband bought me a Yeti mug that keeps my coffee warm and closes so I don't make messes when I spill it!

A bathroom stocked with mommy care products for healing after birth!

I love anything by the FridaBaby brand! Their postpartum recovery kit has all the essentials! Don’t forget to bring home extra mama care supplies from the hospital too.

For the breastfeeding mama:

Nursing tank tops

I preferred nursing tank tops instead of nursing bras! I’m the type of person who is always cold, so I liked having my belly covered up while nursing.  I felt less exposed and the snaps on the tank tops made it so easy to unclip at any moment for nursing.   They make it super easy to make any outfit breastfeeding-friendly! Just layer a cute top or sweater over the tank! I own 5 of these and they are still an essential part of my wardrobe!

The Hukka

The Hukka is another must-have for breastfeeding, especially at the beginning.  It makes collecting milk or relieving engorgement quick and easy without always having to take out your pump.  Buy at least two so you always have one to reach for if the other is in the dishwasher. I even kept one in my car in case a photoshoot went long and I needed to pump out a small amount before going home.  

A reliable pump

Did you know most insurance companies will cover your breast pump? I went with the Luna Modif from areoflow pumps. It came with a really cute insulated pump storage back that made it easy to pack for weekend trips. Areoflow makes it easy to pick out a breastpump and will contact your doctor for you to get it covered by insurance! My one regret over the pump I bought is that I was always glued to a wall outlet when using it. I wish I had bought a battery-powered pump so I could move around the house more freely.

Mom and baby in the hospital | Fresh 48 Photos

Writing this blog post brings me right back to the newborn days! I truly cannot believe how fast babies grow! The first few weeks and months are so fleeting! Don’t forget to schedule a newborn session with your favorite local photographer to bottle up these sweet memories for your family!


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Best newborn essentials for the first time mom | What you need for postpartum mom life with a new baby | Best newborn baby products for your lifestyle | Elizabeth Hite Photography

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